High Ability Education in School

High Ability Does Not Always Equal a Good Student

A note before we begin this section: just because a child is a high ability learner doesn’t mean that he or she is going to be the school valedictorian or even the best pupil in a given class.

Identification in Indiana

Because there are many components to being high ability, it is critical that schools identify these learners as soon as possible. How does this process work in Indiana?

Choosing a High Ability Program

Before we explore the academic issues affecting high ability students, consider the following information detailing common myths people (including educators) may have regarding the high ability student population. Keep these in mind as you continue to examine the provided material.

Curriculum & Instruction

High ability children benefit from differentiated instruction (i.e., adaptations or modifications to the general curriculum), instructional environments, methods, materials, or a specialized curriculum tailored to best suit their educational needs.


One definition of differentiation is: making lessons in the classroom different so that all children’s needs are met; the teacher doesn’t just “teach to the middle” but finds ways to incorporate all levels of ability.


When investigating appropriate educational environments for your high ability child, it is always important to fall back on just what it means for a child to be a high ability learner.

Service Options

A variety of educational service options across the academic spectrum are appropriate for high ability children and may be employed individually or in concert with each other.

Indiana Association for the Gifted
PO Box 84, Whitestown, IN 46075
Help us advocate for gifted youth!

IAG supports gifted students, parents, and educators. Join today for free and be sure to attend our annual conference on December 15-16, 2025, at the Indianapolis JW Marriott.