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Founded in 1985, Sycamore is the only accredited private independent school in Indiana dedicated to meeting the needs of academically gifted children from Preschool (three-year-olds) through Eighth Grade. Four hundred children, 39% of whom are children of color, are enrolled at Sycamore in our Early Childhood, Lower School, and Middle School divisions. All lead teachers either have or are working to complete their High Ability Licensure.

At Sycamore teachers differentiate instruction for all students in all subject areas. Using pre-assessment and grouping by skill level and readiness teachers are able to meet a child where he/she is and challenge him/her appropriately to reach the next level of learning. Academic groupings are fluid and flexible so that students may move easily as they progress. Special area classes are taught in art, music, Spanish, physical education and technology.

Sycamore offers a wide array of extracurricular activities as well as a full sports program. Alumni have found success in both public and private high schools as well as at numerous boarding schools.
Tours for prospective parents are offered most Wednesdays at 9:00 AM. Please visit our website, www.sycamoreschool.org, to learn more about a school where gifted kids really do thrive.


1750 West 64th Street
Indianapolis, IN 46260
United States
(317) 202-2544

Indiana Association for the Gifted
PO Box 84, Whitestown, IN 46075
Help us advocate for gifted youth!

IAG supports gifted students, parents, and educators. Join today for free and be sure to attend our annual conference on December 15-16, 2025, at the Indianapolis JW Marriott.