Working With Your Child’s Teacher
Teachers today have one of the most challenging jobs when it comes to educating children. Most are expected to teach a classroom full of students with a vast range of needs and abilities. Anything you can do to aid your child’s teacher in planning and providing for your own child’s academic experience will make his or her job easier. As you spend time educating yourself about the world of high ability education be on the lookout for ideas that you can partner with the teacher to try. Some might be able to be done both at home and at school. A few examples might include: * Providing a different spelling list with more challenging words. * Extending science and social studies lessons by suggesting a project or report related to the topics being studied. * Suggesting appropriate websites (researched by you) that relate to topics studied in class. * Providing ideas for open-ended projects that could include all students. * Helping plan inexpensive field trips or arrange for guest speakers. * Offering to help in the classroom so that grouping students for instruction can take place. * Differentiating assessments by assigning projects or products to demonstrate knowledge instead of paper pencil tests.
IAG supports gifted students, parents, and educators. Join today for free and be sure to attend our annual conference on December 9-10, 2024, at the Indianapolis JW Marriott.