IAG Awards

At our annual conference, IAG recognizes outstanding teachers, distinguished students, and amazing advocates for gifted education. Learn more about our award programs, and make nominations for our 2024 awards starting on May 1st!

Hazel Feldhusen Outstanding Teacher of the Gifted

The Indiana Association for the Gifted annually presents the Hazel Feldhusen Outstanding Teacher Award to an individual teacher in a K-12 setting, whose exemplary classroom teaching demonstrates best practices in gifted education and positively impacts those students in the teacher’s care. The Purdue University Gifted Education Resource Institute sponsors this IAG Award (including a monetary award of $500) in recognition of Hazel Feldhusen (1928-2007), an outstanding classroom teacher of the gifted in West Lafayette, Indiana, and the wife of Dr. John Feldhusen (1926-2009), an early leader in gifted education.

Pictured Above: 2023 Hazel Feldhusen Outstanding Teacher of the Gifted, Rochelle Drake.

Ginny Burney Scholar Program

The primary purpose of the Ginny Burney Scholar Program is to increase low-income or culturally or linguistically diverse students’ access to talent development opportunities through educator training. The scholarship recipient will serve in the critical role of being a catalyst for change in the attitudes and perceptions some educators have historically held which have impeded the full development of potential in low-income or culturally or linguistically diverse students.

IAG Distinguished Student Award

The Indiana Association for the Gifted would like to recognize students who have demonstrated distinguished achievement in academics, leadership, or the arts. These awards are designed to inspire students to achieve, as well as highlight the distinct accomplishments and educational needs of gifted students. Each recipient will be awarded $250.

Pictured Above: 2023 Distinguished Student Award Winner, Lucia Moxey

IAG Leadership Award

The Indiana Association for the Gifted annually presents a Leadership Award to an individual(s) (parent, teacher, coordinator, administrator, legislator, other) whose exemplary leadership and outstanding contribution to gifted education has positively influenced Indiana’s children, teachers, schools, programs, and/or policies.

Pictured Above: 2023 Leadership Award Winner, Ruth Moll

IAG Friend of the Gifted Award

The Indiana Association for the Gifted takes great pride in honoring those who have significantly, contributed to the field of gifted education. Individuals recognized for this award will show exemplary contributions to the support and or nurturing of Indiana’s gifted students. Each year the board will determine if the award will be presented or if more than one recipient will receive an award for the year.

Pictured Above: 2023 IAG Friend of the Gifted Award Winner, Representative Jeffery Thompson

Indiana Association for the Gifted
PO Box 84, Whitestown, IN 46075
Help us advocate for gifted youth!

IAG supports gifted students, parents, and educators. Join today for free and be sure to attend our annual conference on December 15-16, 2025, at the Indianapolis JW Marriott.